
The Attendance Office is located in the Assistant Principal’s office across the hall from the Clinic.

The attendance secretaries are:
Angela Johnson 

Please send all documents and notices for absences to within 3 days of absence.

  • If your student will be staying home sick, please call or email so that we can verify the absence. Verifying an absence does not excuse the absence.
  • Work can be collected for your student if requested by the parent after they have been out for three (3) days. You may also email the teachers directly.
  • If your student has a doctor’s appointment or must leave during school hours, please call at least 30 minutes before pick-up. We will send your child a pass to meet you in the office at the designated time. You must come into the office and sign your child out. When your student returns to school, you do not need to accompany him/her into the office.
  • If your student is driving, you can give us a call/email and we will send them a pass to leave campus at the designated time.
  • In order to remove the absence for a class missed due to an appointment, the student must return to school with a note from the doctor/court. He/she will then be given a Verification of Work Completed form. This form must be signed by the teachers to verify that he/she made up class work that was missed while he/she was absent. This form must then be returned to the attendance secretary so that the absence can be removed.
  • Students are allowed four (4) absences in the fall semester per class. Exceeding this will result in the student absence failing the class.
  • Two absences each day can be made up on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 – 5:30 in the Attendance Office. Designated Saturdays will be from 9:00 – 12:00 pm when schedule permits. A schedule of make-ups is available in the Attendance Office.
  • Juniors and Seniors are permitted two (2) college days each year. They must bring a letter from the school visited. They will also need to complete the Verification of Work Completed form before the absence can be removed.